What is White Hat SEO?

What is White Hat SEO?

When it comes to engaging in SEO, there are two main techniques businesses employ: white hat and black hat. Although most would argue that black hat SEO’s days are numbered, some companies continue to rely on such strategies even today. The reason why it’s referred to as “black” is due to its manipulative nature and...

Analyzing CTRs to Assess Marketing Efficacy

Analyzing CTRs to Assess Marketing Efficacy

Monitoring the effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns is done through various metrics that enable businesses to further improve their marketing efforts. One such metric is known as CTR or Click-Through rate which – despite its reliability – is often overshadowed by other methods such as the number of purchases customers make and cost-per-clicks. In this...

Outsourced Digital Marketing: Understanding the Benefits

Outsourced Digital Marketing: Understanding the Benefits

Time is money when you’re running a business. Launching a new product during peak time, surviving a time crunch, meeting deadlines, racing against time to complete orders—these are some common instances where time could cost you a fortune. When you’re in a fix, the only thing that matters is if your team is competent enough...

Social Media Marketing: What’s all the Fuss About?

Social Media Marketing: What’s all the Fuss About?

Excelling on social media has recently become the linchpin of success for businesses. This speculation is based on trending reports from the past few years which have helped analysts in identify a pattern. There’s a staggering 25.3 million people in Canada, according to reports last published, who use social media regularly. It’s not surprising then that...

Content Marketing and SEO: Are They The Same?

Content Marketing and SEO: Are They The Same?

If you’ve had any degree of involvement with the online marketing world during the past decade, you’ve more than likely heard of the terms “content marketing” and “SEO”. These oft-repeated terms refer to two of the most powerful tools in any company’s digital marketing arsenal.

Digital Marketing Red Flags: Signs You Need to Switch Agencies

Digital Marketing Red Flags: Signs You Need to Switch Agencies

It’s not easy to dedicate an entire department to digital marketing in house, if you’re a small-scale business. The challenge is still insurmountable even if you’re a flourishing enterprise. This is because the cost of hiring qualified professionals outweighs the intermittent payments made to a third party for exponentially better services.

5 Signs Your Company Needs to Go Digital

5 Signs Your Company Needs to Go Digital

In the current business climate, putting together a team of skilled marketers capable of developing, maintaining, and executing effective digital marketing campaigns is a bare necessity for success. However, most businesses simply do not have the resources to put together a dedicated team of marketers that can compete with large companies and industry leaders.

The Benefits of Having a Website for Small Businesses in 2019

The Benefits of Having a Website for Small Businesses in 2019

Did you know that nearly 85% of consumers rely on the internet to find local and small businesses? And out of all those consumers, 80% own and use a smartphone? Combine these two statistics and it’s not hard to realize how disadvantaged small businesses are without an online presence. We live in a digital age where...