Conversions or Traffic: What Should You Go For?

Conversions or Traffic: What Should You Go For?

Website traffic and traffic conversions are the focal points of any digital marketing strategy. We can’t stress enough the importance of keeping your digital marketing strategies airtight and to segment them in ways that cater to both aspects of digital marketing.

The question of which is more important isn’t an easy one to answer. It depends on the stage of growth your business is at and the degree to which your marketing is successful in generating traffic for your websites. Think of it like this, if you don’t have high traffic, how would you generate conversions and if you have traffic but low conversion, what’s the point of following through with the marketing?

What is Website Traffic?

Website traffic is the number of people who are visiting your website through your various marketing channels. Your social media marketing, content marketing and Pay-Per–Click strategies are directed towards getting more people to visit your website.  These separate channels create a network of impulses that induce a need to visit your website through the calls to action, click-baits or whichever marketing method you try out.

So, when someone reads a blog back-linked to your website and visits your website; that counts as one out of the many other users making up the total website traffic.

What can Website Traffic Tell you?

Your website traffic is a key performance indicator of your marketing efforts. Through an analysis of your traffic, you can make the following conclusions:

  • The cost of bringing people to your website (Amount of marketing budget per visitor)
  • The returns on investment in marketing, with respect to traffic generation.
  • The effectiveness of your marketing strategies.
  • Weaknesses in your existing marketing channels.

The figures you’ll come across in your web analytics have a huge bearing on your entire organizational plans. These will also have implications for future expenditures on marketing, telling you what areas you should focus on and much else if you choose to delve into it.

Whether it’s from a strategic point of view or from the sales potentials, website traffic measurements are a core determinant of your long-term commercial success.

What is Traffic Conversion?

Traffic conversion is the end goal of your marketing efforts. Your traffic generation activities are supposed to lead to sales for your business, through your website that serves as a sales funnel. If visitors go to your websites and then make a purchase, then this is called a conversion (also known as a desired outcome).

Traffic conversions form the other end of the digital marketing coin. The focal point for it all is your website and how effective these are in terms of generating sales from potential customers. Each resulting purchase from your marketing serves as a Return on Investment from your marketing efforts.

 What Can You Learn From Traffic Conversion?

Your traffic conversion statistics tell you how compelling your websites are. The attention span of the consumer is becoming shorter with each passing day. It’s become increasingly difficult to generate sales from your websites. It takes a well made website to ensure that you consistently generate sales from newer sales.

Your conversion figures can point out the following things, among others:

  • How well your website functions as a sales funnel.
  • The shortcomings in your existing layouts
  • Which products sell the most?
  • Low/high traffic to conversion ratios

Each of these statistics can help you measure the performance of your marketing channels, these serve as measures of ROI for your website and any number of indicators if you go deep enough really.

Website Traffic or Traffic Conversion, What To Prefer?

As a business, your sole concern ought to be the bottom line and the profits that you’re making. The most effective digital marketing strategies take both traffic and conversion hand in hand. At each point of your marketing efforts, you’ll need to take a step back and assess how each aspect; traffic or conversions, are varying with each change in your strategies.

One of the best strategies you can follow, take this path:

Step 1: Assess Your Ideal Consumer

Constructing consumer profiles is the starting point for any digital marketing strategy.  This assessment of the consumer will tell you what sort of conversation they possess, the language they use and what their triggers are.

Once you have a thorough understanding of your consumer, you can then move on to the next step.

Step 2: Tailoring Your Content and Website according to your Consumer

After you’ve analyzed your ideal customer, you should begin preparing content that would suit their needs. This is where you push those trigger points that will make them think of your product when you finally disseminate it throughout the market.

Just for good measure, conduct some market surveys to make sure that the content is appealing and engaging.

At this moment, you should also begin designing a website in line with consumer preferences. Always make sure that there’s a consistency across your content and the website. Even minor discrepancies between your various marketing outlets can have disastrous marketing consequences.

Step 3: Launch Website and Content, then Monitor

Coordinate the launch of your content and website in a way that gets your consumer interested in what you have to say. So before the launch you might want to tease them a little to induce a little excitement. So when you launch, your website blows them all away.

This initial boost is the time when you will see how well people respond to the website. The traffic will be the highest and if you can generate enough sales, then you know the website is done.

From here you can see whether you should work on your content to maintain the traffic or if your website needs tweaking. Stick to it and keep on monitoring your progress. There’s no sure shot with these things regardless of what anyone tells you.

Effective marketing requires consistent tweaking and monitoring before you can perfect it.

Devebyte are a digital marketing agency in Edmonton. We are a full service internet marketing agency and SEO specialists who offer social media marketing, Google AdWords and much more. Visit our website today for affordable SEO Service in Edmonton, Alberta.

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