Website Design and the Impact on Conversion Rates

Website Design and the Impact on Conversion Rates

According to statistics, the e-commerce sales in Canada amount for at least 1.6 billion Canadian Dollars. By 2023 this number is expected to surpass 55 billion Canadian dollars. Moreover, the worldwide online retail sales are expected to rise above 4.9 trillion US Dollars by the end of 2021. In this online retail economic landscape, your website...

Analyzing CTRs to Assess Marketing Efficacy

Analyzing CTRs to Assess Marketing Efficacy

Monitoring the effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns is done through various metrics that enable businesses to further improve their marketing efforts. One such metric is known as CTR or Click-Through rate which – despite its reliability – is often overshadowed by other methods such as the number of purchases customers make and cost-per-clicks. In this...